Speech by Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk during the European Parliamentary Conference “Consequences of Russia’s Aggressive War against Ukraine and the Role of National Parliaments in Ukraine’s Reconstruction” (Dublin, September 28-29, 2023)

Foreign Affairs

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ruslan Stefanchuk, addressed the participants of the European Parliamentary Conference, focusing on the consequences of Russia’s aggressive war against Ukraine and the role of national parliaments in the reconstruction of Ukraine. He acknowledged the significance of the conference, which brings together parliamentary leaders from European countries, presidents of influential inter-parliamentary assemblies, and partner parliaments for democracy.

Stefanchuk expressed his gratitude to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe for organizing the event and to the Irish hosts for their hospitality. He emphasized the honor of speaking before representatives of parliaments who prioritize the rule of law, democracy, and human rights.

The Chairman highlighted that for nearly 75 years, the Council of Europe has united European countries under its flag. However, our shared European home was interrupted by war. Stefanchuk noted that the war did not start in February 2022 with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but had been ongoing for years, with conflicts in Moldova, Georgia, and the occupation of Crimea and Donbas.

He pointed out that all these wars share a common nature and goals, which is the pathological, obsessive desire of the Kremlin regimes to restore the former empire. Stefanchuk referred to it as the “Russian world” or the “Eurasian Union,” but its essence remains the same—an imperial dictatorship inheriting the worst practices of terror, chauvinism, and disregard for universally accepted values.

Stefanchuk acknowledged that democratic countries had turned a blind eye to this imperial policy for too long, indulging in trade profits with the murderers of his people, holding dubious talks, and hesitating to act decisively. These mistakes have led to the realities we face today.

He stated that on February 24, 2022, when Ukrainians woke up to rocket strikes, Europe finally realized its mistake. Despite the high cost of our freedom, Stefanchuk was glad that the free world has finally awakened and will never again fall into the sleep of indifference, irresponsibility, and fatigue.

As a representative of an unyielding nation, Stefanchuk declared that Ukraine has faced unprecedented challenges and has not surrendered to a powerful and fearsome enemy. Russia’s aggressive war has left deep scars on our land and in our hearts. Cities and villages have been reduced to names on maps, families have been destroyed, and countless lives have been lost.

Stefanchuk stressed that the consequences of this unprovoked aggression are not just physical or economic, but also emotional and psychological, leaving a lasting impact on future generations. He mentioned the connected bodies discovered in Bucha, mass burials in Izyum, and the secret prison in Kherson, which will forever remain in our memories.

Russia, with unlimited resources, continues to wage a protracted war of attrition. It does not spare its own citizens or its rockets. The moral and reputational damage caused by Russia’s actions is immeasurable. Russian rockets and drones continue to destroy civilian infrastructure and kill innocent citizens. Attacks on Ukrainian ports and the blockade of shipping in the Black Sea further intensify the threat of global hunger.

Stefanchuk emphasized that the Kremlin’s clear and cynical calculation is that Ukraine will exhaust itself, and its allies will tire of the burden or succumb to nuclear blackmail. However, he assured that Ukraine is ready to face these challenges because losing our land, our country, and our future is not an option. We are resilient and united, and we will not give up our calling to be part of the free democratic world.

He called for the democratic world to be equally resolute in putting an end to the Russian dictatorship, preventing the destruction of its fundamental principles. Stefanchuk expressed his belief that our coalition will grow stronger and work towards a common victory—a victory of justice, common sense, democracy, and human rights.

Stefanchuk defined victory as the full and unconditional restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence. This victory will bring peace. It will provide justice to the victims and hold the perpetrators accountable. Ultimately, victory means creating a reliable system that prevents the repetition of war in the future.

He emphasized that the Ukrainian Formula for Peace, proposed by President Volodymyr Zelensky, is based on this philosophy. The formula has already gained support from the democratic world. Stefanchuk highlighted that the formula is not just about Ukraine’s territorial integrity but is a universal plan that applies to all members of the international community. Justice and rules should apply to all countries, regardless of their size, wealth, or status.

Stefanchuk acknowledged the progress made in establishing a registry of damages caused by Russia’s aggression against Ukraine during the Council of Europe Summit in Reykjavik. He regarded the registry as a testament to the commitment of the international community to the cause of justice. Stefanchuk expressed gratitude to the Council of Europe for its unwavering position in recognizing the need for accountability.

He called for international efforts to hold the political and military leadership of the Russian Federation accountable for their actions. Stefanchuk emphasized the significant role played by the Council of Europe and its Parliamentary Assembly in this fight. He viewed the Parliamentary Assembly as a platform for dialogue, enhancing mutual understanding, and cooperation between member states, which is invaluable for international support to Ukraine.

Stefanchuk emphasized that the Council of Europe must be a beacon of hope, ensuring that human rights, democracy, and the rule of law are upheld even in the most challenging times. He appreciated the Council of Europe’s unwavering support in helping Ukraine overcome the consequences of Russian aggression. Stefanchuk stressed that aggression and violations of fundamental rights should not be encouraged but met with joint resistance.

In collaboration with the Council of Europe and the Parliamentary Assembly, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is at the forefront of legislative reforms aimed at restoring our state. Laws have been enacted to support internally displaced persons, rebuild infrastructure, and hold accountable those responsible for war crimes. International assistance is being sought because Ukraine cannot go through this path alone.

Speaking about resources for Ukraine’s reconstruction, Stefanchuk once again emphasized the importance of justice. Russia committed the crime of aggression, causing colossal damage, and it is Russia that must be held accountable. He welcomed the fact that some countries have initiated processes to confiscate and return frozen Russian assets as reparations. Stefanchuk acknowledged the complexity of these legal issues but believed that parliaments are ready to work on them.

Ultimately, Stefanchuk highlighted that reconstruction goes beyond bricks and mortar. It involves restoring trust, strengthening national unity, and ensuring that future generations of Ukrainians grow up in a free, prosperous, and peaceful country. He called on national parliaments to support Ukraine not only financially but also with knowledge, experience, and dedication to international law principles.

Stefanchuk believed that we have a historic opportunity to end the period of lawlessness that hinders the normal peaceful life of Europeans. It is our responsibility not to waste this chance or irresponsibly pass it on to our children and grandchildren. He expressed no doubt that we have the strength and courage to bring this war to victory—the victory of values and principles that we chose when creating the Council of Europe after World War II. Stefanchuk was confident that this victory will change and strengthen not only Europe but the entire world.

In conclusion, Stefanchuk quoted the renowned Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko and invited everyone to Prague for the Second Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimean Platform. He expressed gratitude to those standing with Ukraine and promised to fulfill the goals discussed during the conference.

Thank you for your attention!

Source: Виступ Голови Верховної Ради України Руслана Стефанчука під час Європейської конференції голів парламентів «Наслідки загарбницької війни росії проти України та роль національних парламентів у відбудові України» (м. Дублін, 28-29 вересня 2023 року)